Ways to reduce your auto insurance premiums
- The best way to get the best deal on auto insurance is to use an independent agent to help you. We can shop for the best coverage and provide options to you in a very short time.
- No claims discounts. Nearly all policies feature a discount that increases for every year you don't make a claim. The higher the discount available, the more you could save. Also look at insurers offering a 'no claims bonus for life' feature, where your current discount level can be fixed forever, even if you have to make a claim somewhere down the line.
- Fitting your vehicle with an alarm or other security devices can lead to premium reductions.
- Pay annually. Many insurers charge you interest for the privilege of paying in monthly installments. Pay annually if you can afford it to do this, or look for one of the companies who don't charge extra for monthly payments.
- The more you drive the more your insurance will cost. Even if you can't reduce your mileage, make sure you're not overestimating how much you actually do drive, and give your insurer an accurate figure.
- The more drivers you have on your policy, the more it will cost. Reduce the number of people insured to drive your car to the minimum possible, and try to get the policy in the name of a driver with the lowest risk profile.